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Spinoff Conference & Horizon Europe Info Day 2023

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Day 01 full schedule



Opening Keynote

Organizers of the initiative: Kristina Eskenazi, Paulina Chortova, Kaloyan Ratchev, Dimitar Dimitrov, Boyan Jekov, Monika Manolova


"Navigating EU Acts and Regulations for Spinoff Success" (AI Act, Chips Act, Data Health Act, NIS2)

Jeannette Gorzala - Vice President European AI Forum (EAIF)
Sabine Demey - Director of Flanders Artificial Intelligence Research Program at IMEC
Tuan Trinh, PhD - Horizon Europe | "EIT Digital in Eastern Europe"

Federico Menna - CEO EIT Digital


Kristina Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene, European Cluster Manager of the Year 2022. AGRIFOOD LITHUANIA Cluster/DIH/EIT FOOD hub Manager Digital Innovations and R&D&I in AgriFood sector


Cristian Dascalu - co-Founder & Managing Partner at,


AI for research and spinoff organisations (from 0 to 1)


Lunch break

"Leading the Charge: Spinoff Success Stories and the EU Champions Driving Innovation"

Moderator: Emil Shekerdzijski, Founder of Premium Coworking Spaces, Pitch2Pitch Events
Hemmel Amrania, PhD - CEO of Digistain
Dr Nikolay Vasev - Epix.AI
Georgi Kadrev, Co-founder & CEO, Imagga Technologies & Kelvin Health
Dimitar Dimitrov - CEO of Hemokin
Georgi Trankov, CFO of Barin Sports
Hans Houf - Chief Executive Officer - BullCharge
Murad Redzheb, PhD - Founder and CEO - MatriChem
Petko Iliev - COO - Feasyfy

"The Promise and Perils of Deep Tech: Ethical Considerations for Technological Progress"

Moderator: Monika Manolova, PhD - Digital National Alliance
Richard Foster-Fletcher, Chair and Founder of Morality and Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence (MKAI)
Marisa Zalabak, Founder of Open Channel Culture, Co-Chair of the Planet Positive 2030 Global Methodologies, Co-Chair of the IEEE AI Ethics Education Committee
Prof. Melodena Stephens, Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, United Arab Emirates

European National Funds for Technology Transfer

Pavel Lisev - CEO and Member of the Management Board at Fund of Funds in Bulgaria (FMFIB)
Jan Klesla - Senior Policy Advisor to the Director General for Digitization and Innovations at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Prof. Dr. Nick Guldemond PhD DSc, Professor of Healthcare & Public Health, Digital Health and Innovation Cluster (DHI)

Dr. Emmanuel Alexandrakis – Adjunct Professor in Health Sector Strategy, MBA International, Athens University of Economics & Business, Health Economy Global Strategist, WifOR Institute


Aleksandar Aleksiev, Europe Cloud: Generative AI : Unlocking the power of Machine learning


Prof. Dr. Vladia Borisova, President, Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria: "Protecting Innovation: The Role of Patents and IP in Spinoff Success"

Corporations for innovation

Moderator: Kristina Eskenazi - AI Cluster Bulgaria, Health & Life Sciences Cluster
Hesham Sabry - General Manager of Roche Bulgaria
Nikolay Jordanov - Managing Director at Kontrax
Lubomir Stanislavov - CEO at Automotive Cluster Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Angelov - Director of the MP “Strategic Management” at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski

"Breaking Barriers: Women Driving Innovation and Spinoff Success in Deep Tech"

Moderator: Paulina Chortova, Women in DeepTech
Maria Hristova - CEO of Sofia Investment Agency
Teodora Lapshova - Author and screenwriter of "INOVATIVNO" at Bulgarian National Television
Victoria Hristova - Executive Director and Board member of the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria (FMFIB)
Associate Professor Agata Manolova - Technical University of Sofia

Marcos António Nogueira - President of Europe Initiative Think-tank (ACDIPE), Project Coordinator at H2020-AURORAL


Ceremony The best Spinoff for 2022

CyberCLUB special edition

Anton Puliyski, CyberCLUB, Founder & Community manager
Rossina Choleeva - Kirkova - President of ISACA Sofia Chapter

Networking cocktail / Live music

Day 02 full schedule



Opening Keynote

Academician Nikolai Denkov - Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria
Iliana Ivanova - European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Prof. Galin Tzokov - Minister of Education and Science
Milena Stoycheva - Minister of Innovation and Growth
Alexander Yolovski - Minister of e-Government


Boyan Jekov, HE Bulgarian National Coordinator


Marina ZANCHI, HaDEA Director: Introduction to HaDEA


Angelo MARINO, Head of HaDEA Department A: Health and Food Presentation of HaDEA/A, Health and Food programs and Tips & Tricks for applying for EC funding



Katleen ENGELBOSCH, Head of HaDEA Department B: Digital, Industry and Space Presentation of HaDEA/B, Programs on Digital, Industry and Space and Synergies



Lunch break

EIT Manufacturing

"Building successful EU-funded projects (Panel discussion)"

Moderator: Montserrat Daban, the President of the European Bioregions Council (CEBR)
Prof. Victoria Sarafian, MD, PhD, DSc - Research Institute at Medical University of Plovdiv
Yana Georgieva, Medical University-Sofia, member of the management board of the Strategic research and innovation programme
Maria Nakova - EDIH in construction, Cleantech Bulgaria
Maria Pournari - COO EDIH Health Hub, Larisa

Daniel Abbou - General manager of KI Bundesverband

Testimonials – Showing European experiences in the Health and Digital sectors

Moderator: Kristina Eskenazi - AI Cluster Bulgaria, Health & Life Sciences Cluster
Sylvia Ilieva, PhD - Director of “Big Data for Smart Society” Institute (GATE), Project Veles
Prof. Iliya Iliev - Perimed
Kiril Kirilov - Оperational manager at Discoverer
Apostolos Dimitriadis - BD & In Manager, FORTH, Institute of Computer Science


"Innovative Agrotech Solutions: Cultivating Sustainable Growth and Generating Spinoff Opportunities"

Svetlana Boyanova, Chairperson of Institute for Agrostrategies and Innovations and Chairperson of AgroHub.BG
Mariyana Hamanova – Executive Director of Cleantech Bulgaria and NCP for Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

"Building a Strong Foundation: Exploring the Intersection of Spinoff and Infrastructure"

Moderator: Assoc. Professor Dimitar Nikolov - Chair of the Managing Board of The Cluster of Microelectronics and Industrial Electronics Systems (CMIES), TU Sofia
Todor Mladenov - Chief Executive Officer&Board Member · Sofia Tech Park JSC
Svetoslav Mollov, Head of Technology Transfer and Commercialization at Quasar Competence Center
Prof. Dr Eng. Georgi Todorov - Technical University Sofia
Prof. Todor Ganchev - Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Technical University of Varna
Kiril Kirilov - Оperational manager at Discoverer

Closing remarks

Workshops & Side Events

Practical Masterclass for application in Horizon Europe

Albena Kuyumdzhieva, Petya Najdenova-Andreeva, Kiril Borisov, Viktoria Petrova

AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Operations

Predictive maintenance is critical for industries relying on machinery and equipment to avoid unplanned downtime and reduce operational costs. Google Cloud offers a range of AI and machine learning tools, such as BigQuery ML and AutoML, that can be applied to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively. This theme explores the application of Google tools to develop and deploy AI-driven predictive maintenance systems in industrial settings.

Enhanced Customer Experience with AI-Powered Personalisation

In today's competitive business landscape, providing personalised experiences to customers is essential for retention and growth. Google offers a suite of AI tools, including TensorFlow and Google Cloud AI, which can be harnessed to create sophisticated recommendation engines, chatbots, and predictive analytics models. This theme focuses on using Google's AI capabilities to develop advanced personalisation solutions that enhance customer engagement, drive sales, and improve overall satisfaction.

Empowering Businesses & Organisations: A Workshop on Generative AI in Google Cloud

AI-Enhanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Sentiment Analysis and Content Optimisation

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a valuable tool for businesses looking to gain insights from text data, such as customer reviews, social media content, and support tickets. Google Cloud's NLP tools, including Cloud Natural Language and BERT-based models, can be used to perform sentiment analysis and content optimisation. This theme explores the application of NLP techniques to extract actionable insights from textual data and improve content strategies.

Work4Future Workshop

Enterprise-Grade Image Recognition with Google AutoML Vision

Image recognition and analysis can provide businesses with valuable insights, from automating quality control in manufacturing to enhancing user experiences in e-commerce. Google AutoML Vision simplifies the development of custom image recognition models. This theme focuses on creating and deploying high-accuracy image recognition systems for various business applications.

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